Recruitment Hub
DIAL EE FellowsWelcome to the DIAL EE Fellows Recruitment Hub. We’re excited that you’re interested in our fellowship programs. At the moment we are not currently recruiting for fellows, but please feel free to read about our programs.
Quick Finds:

The DIAL EE Fellows, is a program tailored to support leaders in local education agencies (LEAs) to integrate multiple initiatives and resources for an aligned and comprehensive early education strategy (e.g., PreK-3rd, partnership with community, inclusion, alignment, expanded day, whole child full-day full-year). The fellowship supports individuals and teams of two (maximum), who are responsible for designing, implementing, and monitoring the early education strategy in their state and local education agencies to effect change and increase alignment. Working in cohorts, DIAL EE Fellows expand their capacity to strengthen public education systems, innovate solutions, and inform policy. DIAL EE fellows are supported to integrate initiatives and resources for an aligned and comprehensive early education strategy.
Fellows will receive:
- A supportive and tight-knit community of peers
- Access to a network of DIAL EE Fellow alumni, early learning leaders and stakeholders
- Increased capacity and knowledge to influence early learning funding, policy and practice through discussions with peers, content experts, and other stakeholders
- Opportunities to pilot and test innovative strategies and practices gleaned through a learning cycle
- Support to build strategic partnerships with community, to increase alignment of early education and other initiatives for whole child, full-day and full-year opportunities for early learners
- Cost-free participation in a conference such as Association of California School Administrators’ Leadership Summit, California STEAM Symposium, and more
Fellows will commit to:
- 2 years of programming
- 8 in-person quarterly meetings, with each meeting being 1.5 days on a Friday evening and full Saturday between November, 2024 – November, 2026
- Implementing one or more LEA specific projects a year
- Cultivating or deepening partnership with community (e.g., child care, expanded learning, community based organizations, etc.) and aligning district systems and initiatives for a comprehensive early education strategy
Ideal Characteristics of Fellow
Interested individuals and LEA teams of two, should be:
- Responsible for the early education strategy, participate in budgetary decisions, and are one to two degrees from decision-making at the cabinet-level; OR, responsible for portions of early education and are looking for opportunities learn about policy and budget (e.g., specialist, coordinator, administrator, director, etc.)
- Highly motivated to increase influence early learning, funding, policy and practice;
- Committed to deepening own capacity and knowledge to lead systems-change
- Currently employed in a California local education agency (e.g., district, charter, etc.)
- Supported by their superintendent or leadership to participate in the program
Frequently Asked Questions
Read our FAQs here.